Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hectic uni, Vac work and exams

Hi all,

Well last semester was a hectic one to say the least. It seems that they really pile on the workload in second year. I had a massive group project and a new computer systems subject that really put the pressure on.

This semester is a little lighter, but supprisingly it's the first year physics cource that it is giving me the most grief. I supose thats a word of warning - dont underestimate first year courses cause they might come back to bite you.

This time of the year everyone should be applying for vacation work and I was the same. I was lucky enough to get some with BMA at Hay Point Coal terminal last year so this year I've decided to take a bit of a different tactic and try something more in the research and design field.

My take on vacation work is that you should try and get as much exposure to as many different industries and workplaces as you possibly can. There arent many jobs that you can get where they let you in for a couple of months and then let you go. It's engough time to get a good taste of the business, and if you dont like it you're not stuck there for a couple of years.

Another word of advice on vacation work is to apply everywhere and anywhere. Try the big companies, but if there's a sparky down the road or a small civil contractor in town it cant hurt to go have a chat and send them a resume and a cover letter. It show's your keen and you're more likely in the small places to get a real hands on experience and see how things are done on the small scale. Plus it never hurts to practice writing cover letters.

Exams are just round the corner so it looks like I'll be living my SWOTVAC life of hermitude until then. Until next time,


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